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[title heading=”4″ align=”left”]常见的提问 | Frequently Asked Questions[/title]

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Yes, no doubt. I am CERTIFIED TST re-seller and only allow to sell original products. I will get terminated if i violate the TST re-seller rules & regulation. 


To order :-

  1. Click “Add to cart” button for the product that you wish to purchase
  2. Click “Continue Shopping” to continue to add other products into the cart or click “Checkout” to make payment
  3. After “Checkout” is clicked, you’ll reach a log in page where you’ll need to log in to your account. Alternatively, you may purchase without login, fill up information needed and we will proceed the delivery. Or if you wish to create an account, click “Register” and fill up your details to create an account
  4. You’ll need to confirm your shipping address on the “Shipping Address” page and click the “Next” button
  5. Next you’ll need to choose your payment method and click the “Next” button
  6. Now reconfirm your billing details and agree on all the terms and conditions
  7. Click “Confirm Order” to complete the order

– 找到商品,点击“Add to cart”加入购物车
– 点击 “Continue Shopping” 继续购物,或 “Checkout” 如果您想结帐
– 要结帐您必须登入账号,另外,您没有登录也可以购买,填写必要信息。如果您想注册新账号,点击 “Register
– 确认您的收货地址,然后点击 “Next” 按钮
– 现在请选择付款方式,然后点击 “Next
– 请确认账单地址,并确认您是否同意所有条款和条件
– 点击 “Next” 确认并提交订单

1. Credit Card (to be processed by PayPal)   who’s PayPal?

– Mastercard
– Visa
– American Express

2. Bank in / Online Transfer
Bank               : Maybank Berhad
Bank Account : 114281007516
Account Name: Sim Hong Khim

PS: Please send your transfer receipt and Order ID to after you have made the payment

All products transaction currency will be calculated in Ringgit Malaysia (MYR)

– 马币 (MYR)

Delivery usually takes about 1-2 working day


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